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Professor Karen P. Corrigan
Newcastle University, UK
Karen Corrigan is currently Professor of Linguistics and English Language at Newcastle University where she acts as Director of Research in Linguistics. Her monographs include Irish English, Volume 1: Northern Ireland (2010) and Linguistic Communities and Migratory Processes: Newcomers Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation in Northern Ireland (2020). The latter evolved from UK government funding for projects exploring language, migration and identity in Northern Ireland from synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Corrigan has also co-edited the three volumes in Palgrave-Macmillan’s Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora series (2007) (volumes 1 and 2); (2016) (volume 3). They arose from government funding for corpus creation projects focusing particularly on the dialects of North East England between 2000-2012. They also generated the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English for academics/Higher Education and the Talk of the Toon aimed particularly at schools and the general public.

Professor Akiyo Suzuki
Osaka University, Japan
Akiyo Suzuki is an Associate Professor at the School of Letters, Osaka University, specializing in modern Japanese literature and comparative literature. Their research focuses on the reception of Irish literature in Japan, literary trends, and interactions between Japanese writers and Irish figures such as W.B. Yeats. Their major publications include Transcultural Imagination: Modern Japanese Literature and Ireland (Osaka University Press, 2014) and co-edited volumes such as Literature Across the Seas (Miyaishoten, 2016), The Translation and Circulation of Japanese Literature: Networks in the Modern World (Bensei Publishing, 2018), Ireland-Japan Connections and Crossings (Cork University Press, 2022), and The Current State of Celtic Studies (Sangensha, 2024). Their work explores the cultural exchanges and literary dialogues between Japan and Ireland, shedding light on how Irish literature has influenced Japanese writers and vice versa.
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